Care Solace

American Falls School District selected Care Solace, an organization determined to calm the chaos of mental health care coordination, to expand access to community mental health and substance use treatment provid- ers for students, staff, and their families.
Care Solace provides a Care CompanionTM team who can quickly and confidentially find available providers in the com- munity. Care Solace also equips school systems with a cus- tomized online tool that gives community members a way to anonymously search for com- munity-based providers matched to their needs.
“We are excited to provide more help and support for our students and their families and our staff and their families,” said Superintendent Randy Jensen. “Care Solace has provided great services to many districts across the country and we are eager to be the first district in Idaho to utilize their services.”
The school district will use Care Solace to support its mis- sion of providing students and their families the resources they need to be successful.
With Care Solace, fami- lies and staff gain access to a dedicated Care CompanionTM to navigate the mental health care system on their behalf, calling providers to find the right fit and availability. They help families with private insurance, Medic- aid, and no insurance, and are available 24/7/365 in any lan- guage.
Care Solace’s care naviga- tion system uses proprietary technology and a vast database of behavioral and mental health care resources to find carefully
verified therapists and programs in minutes.
“The return to in-person learning and the lasting effects of loss and grief pose new chal- lenges for staff and families in the 2022-23 school year,” said Chad Castruita, Founder and CEO of Care Solace. “We are proud to support American Falls School District in prioritizing the
well-being of its school commu- nity by providing timely access into mental health care and sub- stance use treatment services.”
The Care Solace service is now available at no cost to American Falls district stu- dents, staff, and their families. For more information about Care Solace, visit https://www.