After reading “Snowflake Bentley”, Ms. Breding’s students’ challenge was to create realistic snowflakes and share their favorite designs.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Snowflakes Sn
Mr. Morris is helping Mrs. Hanini’s class build a peg board game in the wood shop. Eventually every grade level will have the opportunity to build a game. A BIG SHOUT OUT to MR. MORRIS for his generous time and efforts in helping our students gain these valuable skills and experiences.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Wood Shop
Wood Shop
Peg Board Game
Mrs. Cockrell’s class made a hypothesis about how many paper clips would fit into a full glass of water. Many guessed 5 and it was actually around 75.💡
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Don’t forget our Family STEM Night is approaching. This is a great opportunity to participate in fun STEM activities with your child and see all the fun projects they’re creating.💡
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
The Engineering Design Process we use at JRSE
Mrs. Driscoll definitely knows how to “Inspire a Leader”. Check out these amazing writers….
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Writing Samples
Mrs. Williams puts a creative spin on teaching multiplication.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Math Project
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Brambilla’s classes will design their own classroom’s in this fun STEM Project Based Learning Activity.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Mrs. Baker’s kiddos find area and perimeter as they create their Dream Homes 🏡 .
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Dream Home
Dream Home
Mrs. Bethke’s class explores Biomes in their Habitat Unit.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Mrs. Radford’s 3rd grade students create rafts to travel the ocean for a character in their book study.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Check out the cool name plates Mrs. Sandoval’s students are making with their 3D printer….
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
3D Printer
3D Printer
Mrs. Wheeler and kids make a hypothesis about how many paper clips would fit into a full glass of water.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Mrs. Radford’s 3rd grade students used both bar and line graphing to show annual weather reports.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Bar Graph
Line Graph
Mrs. Anderson’s class experiments with a STEM project led by our student STEM ambassadors.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Students in Mrs. Brambilla and Mrs. Anderson’s classes are learning about plant’s internal structures by observing colored water moving through a plant.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Mystery Science
Mrs. Burgemeister and Mr. Morris’ classes are doing a PBL on Native American Shelters/Houses. Today’s portion was a fun engineering challenge that utilized our STEM skills.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
STEM Challenge
STEM Challenge
STEM Challenge
Stem Challenge
From AF Schools: Fired Up Friday school will be canceled tomorrow, January 21st, due to snow and icy road conditions with more snow forecasted for the morning.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
Due to hazardous weather conditions there will be no school in the American Falls School District on Tuesday, January 4th 2022.
about 3 years ago, AF Schools
School closed sign
Due to hazardous weather conditions there will be no school today, 1-4-22, in the American Falls School District.
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity
JRSE Christmas Musical 🎶 🎄🎼
about 3 years ago, JRSE Publicity