After reading “Snowflake Bentley”, Ms. Breding’s students’ challenge was to create realistic snowflakes and share their favorite designs.

Mr. Morris is helping Mrs. Hanini’s class build a peg board game in the wood shop. Eventually every grade level will have the opportunity to build a game.
A BIG SHOUT OUT to MR. MORRIS for his generous time and efforts in helping our students gain these valuable skills and experiences.

Mrs. Cockrell’s class made a hypothesis about how many paper clips would fit into a full glass of water. Many guessed 5 and it was actually around 75.💡

Don’t forget our Family STEM Night is approaching. This is a great opportunity to participate in fun STEM activities with your child and see all the fun projects they’re creating.💡

Mrs. Driscoll definitely knows how to
“Inspire a Leader”. Check out these amazing writers….

Mrs. Williams puts a creative spin on teaching multiplication.

Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Brambilla’s classes will design their own classroom’s in this fun STEM Project Based Learning Activity.

Mrs. Baker’s kiddos find area and perimeter as they create their Dream Homes 🏡 .

Mrs. Bethke’s class explores Biomes in their Habitat Unit.

Mrs. Radford’s 3rd grade students create rafts to travel the ocean for a character in their book study.

Check out the cool name plates Mrs. Sandoval’s students are making with their 3D printer….

Mrs. Wheeler and kids make a hypothesis about how many paper clips would fit into a full glass of water.

Mrs. Radford’s 3rd grade students used both bar and line graphing to show annual weather reports.

Mrs. Anderson’s class experiments with a STEM project led by our student STEM ambassadors.

Students in Mrs. Brambilla and Mrs. Anderson’s classes are learning about plant’s internal structures by observing colored water moving through a plant.

Mrs. Burgemeister and Mr. Morris’ classes are doing a PBL on Native American Shelters/Houses. Today’s portion was a fun engineering challenge that utilized our STEM skills.

From AF Schools: Fired Up Friday school will be canceled tomorrow, January 21st, due to snow and icy road conditions with more snow forecasted for the morning.

Due to hazardous weather conditions there will be no school in the American Falls School District on Tuesday, January 4th 2022.

Due to hazardous weather conditions there will be no school today, 1-4-22, in the American Falls School District.

JRSE Christmas Musical 🎶 🎄🎼