In an effort to highlight and celebrate exceptional dedication to academics and athletics, American Falls High School has been doing a monthly recognition program called the "Work Ethic Elite." 

This program aims to acknowledge students who go above and beyond in their respective subjects and sports, showcasing the different talents and commitment within the student body.

The selection process is very thought out, with a teacher nominated from each department and sports coach identifying a standout student in their area. 

The recognized subjects include Social Sciences, The Arts, Career and College Readiness, English, Foreign Language and English Language Learners (ELL), Math, Physical Education (PE), and Science. 

Coaches from various sports also play a pivotal role by nominating outstanding athletes in their respective teams.

Once the nominations are collected, the entire teaching staff convenes to discuss and share insights on why they chose a particular student. Each teacher provides great reasons for selecting their nominee, emphasizing not just academic achievements but also qualities such as leadership, teamwork, and a positive attitude.

Principal Travis Hansen, a strong supporter of recognizing well-rounded excellence, expressed his enthusiasm for the program, stating, "The Work Ethic Elite program is an example of our school's commitment to fostering a great learning environment. It goes beyond the traditional academic realm to recognize the hard work, dedication, and passion that our students show in various facets of their education."

After a thorough discussion, teachers cast their votes on a ballot, selecting one student from all the nominees as the Overall Academic Student of the Month and the Overall Athlete of the Month. This dual recognition show’s the school's commitment to both academic excellence and athletic achievement.

The recipients of the Work Ethic Elite award  receive well-deserved recognition with a paper that highlights what good things teachers say about them and a t-shirt. It also serves as inspiration for their peers, encouraging a culture of hard work and dedication throughout the school. 

The program is not just about academic skill or athletic skill; it's about celebrating the  development of each student and creating an environment that values commitment and dedication.

Work Ethic Elite for August, September and October

Social Sciences: Aiden Anglesey, Leslie Fernandez, Allister Dillow

The Arts: Dulce Gonzalez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Eva Cardona

Career and College Readiness: Macy Winder, Payton Mason, Shaylee Taylor

English: Seleny Rodriguez, Layne Weaver, Jayden Rodriguez

Foreign Lang & ELL: Caetlyn Warren, Alex Chavez, David Rangel

Math: Karleigh Webb, Blaise Turner, Brandon Hernandez Rangel

P.E.: Jonathan Christopher, Cristal Mejia, Vidal Vilafana

Science: Samantha Diaz, Jelly Oseguera, Eric Rosales Cardona

Overall Academic’s

       August: Macy Winder        September: Payton Mason           October: Eric Rosales 


Athletics: Hunter Grigg, Sawyer Bolgen, Noah Reed for Cross Country

Athletics: Alyssa Hernandez, Jacky Martinez, Leila Jackson for Girl’s Soccer

Athletics: Salvador Ortiz, Austin Adair, Zakary Grigg for Football

Athletics: Abby Mortenson, Katelyn Evans, Sari Povey for Volleyball

Athletics: Santiago Cordova, Jordan Portillo, Alex Sanchez for Boys Soccer

Overall Athletes

  August: Santiago Cordova     September: Austin Adair         October: Zakary Grigg